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School Improvement Council

SIC Overview




What is the School Improvement Council (SIC)?

The SIC comprises of parents, teachers and community members who collaborate with the principal to  help achieve school improvement.

Who serves on the SIC?

Every K-12 public school in South Carolina is required to have a SIC that includes at least the following:

In school’s serving grade 9 or above, two elected student representatives;

The SIC is required to maintain twice as many elected members as appointed members. State law requires that elections be held by October 15 each year.

How are SIC representatives chosen?

If you are interested in serving on the school community council, please contact the school at 843.767.5914 to obtain more details.

  • 2 elected parent representatives
  • 2 elected teacher representatives
  • 2 community member representatives appointed by the principal
  • School principal as an ex-officio member
  • Parent and teacher representatives (and students) serve staggered terms of two years
  • Parents are nominated and elected by the parents at their child's school.
  • Teachers are nominated and elected by teachers at their school.
  • Students elect student representatives in schools serving grade 9 or higher.
  • Elementary and middle school SICs may include student representatives.
  • Community member representatives are appointed by the principal to the SIC.