Assistant Principal's Corner
Dear Hunley Park Families:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at the Hunley Park Beehive! As the new Assistant Principal, I am excited to build relationships with students, parents, and teachers to foster a passion for education. My educational mantra is "Educating the Whole Child through Transcending Service," and I am committed to creating student-centered environments that promote growth.
Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to transform educational entities in the South Carolina public school system. I have advocated for effective literacy instruction, social-emotional learning, and culturally relevant teaching methods. I have also implemented important educational initiatives, such as Read to Succeed and Multi Tiered Systems and Support.
I am grateful for the chance to collaborate with our parents, community stakeholders, support the principal, and serve as a servant leader to the staff and students at Hunley Park Elementary. Together, we will strive for continuous improvement and progress on our educational journey.
Just like a hive of bees working together to make honey, our collective effort is vital for success. I am honored to be part of the Hunley Park Beehive and believe that through data-driven instruction and teacher efficacy, all children can achieve success.
With gratitude,
Tomica Hofler-Bynum